证人的作证资格: competence of witness证人: evidence; rapper; testation; ...能力: ability; capacity; capabilit ...证人的作证资格: competency of witness证人的作证态度: testifying attitude of witness保证人的资格: suretyship作证人: earwitness; utensil; verifier出庭作证人: to attend as a witness证人作证: witness testify证人的陈述能力: statement ability of witness证人的感知能力: sensibility and perceptibility of witness公证人资格: notaryship证人: evidence; rapper; testation; witness 证人的作证资格 competence of witness; 可信的证人 a credible witness; 普通证人 a lay witness; 律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。 the lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness.; 证人对质 [法律] confrontation of both sides; 证人席 witness-box; witness stand 保证人的: sponsorial公证人的: notarial证人的眼睛: eyes of a witness有资格做证人, 具有证人资格: qualify as a witness具有证人资格: qualified as a witness取消证人资格: recall off witness无资格的证人: incompetent witness被迫作证的证人: compellable witness可强迫作证的证人: compellable witness站在证人席上作证: take the stand; take the witness stand到证人席作证,出庭作证: take the stand保证人的地位: suretyship